Wednesday 20 January 2010

New year, new blog post!

I haven't written in the blog for quite a while now, due to 1) forgetting my password and 2) realizing that is a lazy excuse and that I am just that, lazy.

Since I last logged in, I have moved to Bristol, moved into a bedsit, moved out of the bedsit, got a job as a fundraiser for Wateraid, got fired as a fundraiser for Wateraid ( before deciding that society was run by a bunch of tie wearing hypocrites and got dreads. Which then classes me as a fad following University dropout, but makes washing my hair essentially easier.

But over the next few days, I am going to try and update my blog with the various events, gigs and exciting projects that I have either been to, plan to go to or have thought "I probably should go to, but cant be bothered as I am undeniably lazy (see above)" around the Bristol area. Exciting times.